Andy Abboud

Andy Abboud is a founding Team Member serving the company since 1998. Possessing some of the most diverse wide ranging political experience in the hospitality industry, Andy's duties include managing the political and governmental affairs for Las Vegas Sands and the Adelson Family along with aiding and assisting in the company's expansion efforts and development projects.


Andy is a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with a Bachelor's degree in Economics. He began his career working on local, state, and federal campaigns in the late 1980's. Shortly thereafter, he was appointed to serve as Executive Director of the Republican Party of Harris County, Texas. While in Texas Andy served on the City of Houston’s Site Selection Committee in their successful bid to land the 1992 Republican National Convention. Following that, Andy returned to his home state of Nebraska where he worked on the Republican National Committee's Victory campaign, several state, local and federal campaigns, as well as serving as the Executive Director of the Douglas County and Nebraska Republican Party organizations. 


Andy has been instrumental in instituting Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s political and community development activities, along with helping to ensure LVSC properties continue to set the industry's standards. Abboud oversees the company’s political and government relations efforts in Washington, D.C., Carson City, Beijing and other Capitals around the globe. He led the company's campaign to obtain a gaming license in Pennsylvania, spearheading a proposal to redevelop the former Bethlehem Steel property into a mixed-use resort development. He continues to provide leadership for the company’s expansion opportunities in other jurisdictions within the United States and abroad.


Andy has been at the forefront of several of the company’s political and community initiatives including the creation and development of LVSC's Responsible Gaming Program. In the development of this program, he facilitated a partnership with the Harvard University Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance Division on Addictions to develop a cutting-edge training curriculum for all team members, establishing LVSC as the foremost leader in responsible gaming in the world. 


Andy also organized the charitable arm of the Las Vegas Sands Corp. 501c(3) charitable foundation, the Sands Foundation. The Sands Foundation distributed millions of dollars in charitable contributions to thousands of organizations and individuals in need throughout Southern Nevada and the world focusing on youth, health, and education.  In recent years, Andy has helped facilitate Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson’s program to bring wounded warriors and their families to Las Vegas for VIP treatment as a show of gratitude for their service to our country.